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In EcoStruxure Machine Expert, how do I set up the Gateway for downloading my PLC application to a device with a specific Subnet Mask?


In EcoStruxure Machine Expert or SoMachine v4.3, how do I set up the Gateway for downloading my PLC application to a device with a specific subnet mask?

Product Line

EcoStruxure Machine Expert, SoMachine v4.3


Configuration Software for Windows


To set up the Machine Expert Gateway to be able to connect to devices with a specific subnet mask (in this example, ''), follow these steps below:

  1. Run Notepad.exe as Administrator in Windows
  2. From Notepad, open the file "Gateway.cfg" in the SoMachine Gateway folder (default location: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\EcoStruxure Machine Expert\Tools\Gateway")
    (For SoMachine, the location is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\SoMachine Software\Tools\Gateway\")
  3. Under the [CmpBlkDrvUdp] section, add the line "itf.0.networkmask=" (or replace with a subnet mask of your choice)
  4. Save the Gateway.cfg
  5. Restart the Gateway Service from the green "=S=" logo icon on the right side of the Windows taskbar (or restart the Windows Service called 'CoDeSys Gateway V3')

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